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PDC Spa & Pool World - A Great Place To Work! Many companies will sell you a spa or sauna and tell you they offer instruction and assistance after the sale, then you come to find curbside delivery and an owners manual. PDC Spa & Pool World is with you every step of the way, now and tomorrow, so you can relax and enjoy yourself with complete confidence. PDC Spa & Pool World has been in the business of providing specialized spa, sauna and pool service for our customers for over 30 years. Located at 701 Bridge St. in Lehighton, you will find one of the largest and most unique showrooms in the area featuring, Finnleo steam and infrared saunas, and displaying a great selection of PDC Hot Tub Spa models, Saratoga Spa Parts & Service, along with a large selection of chemicals, toys and accessories for saunas, spas and pools. Our on-site spa, sauna and pool service area includes most of East Central Pennsylvania based on a 50 mile radius of Lehighton, Pennsylvania. From Pine Grove east to Stroudsburg and from Quakertown north to Wilkes Barre, our factory trained team of service professionals are there for you every step of the way. We carry a variety of above ground pools and liners. Installation of our above ground pools, spas and saunas are done by our own certified factory trained technicians. We have working spas and saunas in our showroom so that you the customer can come in and try them out before buying. |
PDC Spa & Pool
World Inc.
PDC Spa & Pool World Inc. - 701 Bridge St. Lehighton, PA. 18235 - Toll Free 1-800-797-7296 - Local 610.377.5637 |
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