Over 40 Years in the Industry and In-House Installation!

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PDC Spa And Pool World 701 Bridge St. Lehighton PA

701 Bridge St. Lehighton PA


Creating Soothing Possibilities

Above Ground Pool Care
If you find foam in your swimming pool, below is a list of where the source of the problem could be coming from.

Stop by our Showroom for FREE water testing using our Wave III Resource Scanner that gives custom results detailing your pool chemical needs


If you find foam in your swimming pool, below is a list of where the source of the problem could be coming from:

1. Soft Water - Low Calcium in your water source could be the problem - have your 
water tested and bring the Calcium Hardness to the proper range. 

2. A low grade/low cost Algaecide that was put into the pool water. Many low grade
Algaecides only have 10% Algaecide in the bottle -- the rest is detergent and 
water. Always make sure you purchase better grade products to put into your
pool to make sure you get the best results for your money.

3. High pH levels - have your pool water tested to make sure the pH levels are in 
the proper range.

4. Air leaks in plumbing lines, hose or connections. Make sure all lines are connected
tightly and inspect the hoses for cracks -- replace hose if needed. 

5. Tile cleaners, Vinyl cleaners or Filter cleaners - all contain some type of detergent.
When cleaning the filter with filter cleaner, make sure you rinse off the filter
region well before hooking back up.

6. Bathing suits -- when your bathing suits are washed in the washing machine, the
washing machine always leaves a residual of detergent on your clothes.
When you enter the swimming pool, any detergent left on the swim suit
is now in your pool. Always rinse off suits with cold water after a
swim and hang to air dry.

7. Suntan Lotion, Oils and Cosmetics can also cause foaming in a pool - rinse these
products off your skin before entering a pool.

Tips on Getting Chemicals or Foam Out of a Bathing Suit: 

Rinse suit out with cool water - then soak suit in cool water and
2 tbs. of white vinegar for 24 hours -- Rinse off well -- then wash
suit in the laundry and let air dry!! 

We hope these tips help you.

Remember to call us or come into our store if you have any problems or concerns with your swimming pool -- we are here to help you make the best of your swimming pool season!!


Stop by our showroom. We have a great selection of Pool Parts, Pool Chemicals, Pool Liners, Pool Supplies and Pool Accessories, toys, floats, vacs, hoses, covers and more!




Stop by our showroom for FREE water testing using our Wave III Resource Scanner
that gives custom results detailing
your waters’ needs.

Water testing free at PDC Spa and Pool World 701 Bridge St Lehighton PA 18235

See our Pool Resources/Tips page for more info on maintaining your pool throughout the season. From opening to closing, we’re here to help you.
Enjoy your Pool Season!

Pool Info Resources Tips, Opening Closing Pools, Pool Management Info and More!


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PDC Spa & Pool World Inc.
701 Bridge St. Lehighton, PA. 18235 
Toll Free 1-800-797-7296
Local 610-377-5637
Fax: 610-379-9568

Hours of Operation:
Sunday - Closed
Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
Holiday Hours - Our Google Business Listing For Most Accurate Holiday Hours


PDC Spa & Pool World Inc. - 701 Bridge St. Lehighton, PA. 18235 - Toll Free 1-800-797-7296 - Local 610.377.5637